
The humidors aim to recreate the typical humidity of Cuban and non-Cuban cigars, guaranteeing their conservation. These are undoubtedly born with Zino Davidoff, after returning from one of his many trips to Latin America.
The latter was the first to think of a special container that had a particular system to maintain the optimal humidity for the cigar similar to that of Latin American or Caribbean origin. 
From Zino Davidoff to the present day many things have changed, especially thanks to the technology that allows us to have ever more efficient and safe humidors, both at home and when travelling.
Humidor Deluxe Modena



Humidor Firenze Deluxe



Humidor Flag



Verona Deluxe Humidor



Treviso Deluxe Humidor



Trinidad Cigar Humidor
Sold out
Trinidad Cigar Humidor

Habanos SA


Partagas Cigar Humidor
Partagas Cigar Humidor

Habanos SA

€269,90 €309,90

Romeo y Julieta Habanos Humidor
Sold out
Romeo y Julieta Habanos Humidor

Habanos SA
