Ser Jacopo Pipe

The Ser Jacopo brand was born from Giancarlo Guidi and Bruto Sordini around the year 1984.

Following Sordini's detachment, it was led by Guidi alone.

Guidi is a multifaceted figure, central to the recent history of the Pesaro and Italian school of pipes.
It is known that at the beginning of the 70s, when the pipe market was rigid in shapes and productions, the "Pesaro" broke into revolutionizing the market and establishing themselves on the international circuit.

Friends and enemies, admirers and detractors, in short, everyone is absolutely in agreement on one point: the pipe in Pesaro began with Giancarlo Guidi.

Born in '44, he learned the trade in the old and historic Marche workshops (Moretti, Raganella) where the tradition of woodworking is perpetuated.
In 1972 he founded the Mastro de Paja and immediately became an unprecedented success.
The new design of the pipe breaks old patterns and excites smokers, a new way of highlighting the colorings of the briar, a new way of understanding the pipe.

Starting from the name of the company which derives from a nickname of the young Guidi himself, who was nicknamed "pajetta" (straw hat): "Since Mastro Pajetta would only have made people laugh", Mastro de Paja was born.
It comes out of Mastro de Paja and, in the same laboratory where the pipe was born in Pesaro, gives life to Ser Jacopo della Gemma. Once again a brilliant idea in the choice of name and logo: a painting that portrays Ser Jacopone.

Ser Jacopo is immediately perceptible and once again the name is immediately imprinted in the memory of the public, as well as the logo that represents Guidi himself, a little disguised.

The reinterpretation of classic shapes with particular attention to the calabash, the attention to the materials used, the continuous search not to create canonical or conventional shapes but rather to create unique and distinct pieces, even for a simple "billiard"
the Ser Jacopo immediately acquires its own physiognomy acquiring the main characteristic that had been the secret of the Mastro and of all the Pesaro houses: recognition. 

Ser Jacopo L1 001

Ser Jacopo della Gemma


Ser Jacopo L1 002

Ser Jacopo della Gemma


Ser Jacopo L1 003
Sold out
Ser Jacopo L1 003

Ser Jacopo della Gemma


Ser Jacopo La Fuma finche Strip 001
Sold out
Ser Jacopo La Fuma finche Strip 001

Ser Jacopo della Gemma


Ser Jacopo La Fuma finche Strip 002

Ser Jacopo della Gemma


Ser Jacopo Niger 001

Ser Jacopo della Gemma
