Podere Conca

The company center of the Podere Conca Bolgheri agricultural estate is a nineteenth-century farm with traditional stone walls and red wooden doors and windows that appear stylized in the company logo.

The farm, at 196 Strada Provinciale Bolgherese, a few kilometers from the famous Viale dei Cipressi and Castagneto Carducci in the province of Livorno, Tuscany, has been the holiday home of the family of Silvia Cirri, the majority shareholder and CEO, since the 1980s of the company. It is located in the center of a 4.9 hectare basin of land with 800 olive trees, some of which are centuries-old, of the typically Tuscan varieties Leccino, Frantoio and Moraiolo, among whose rows 0.2 hectares of Cabernet Franc were planted in 2015.

In 2014 Silvia, Head of Anesthesia, Resuscitation and Intensive Care at the IRCCS Galeazzi Hospital – Sant'Ambrogio of the San Donato Group in Milan, and a great wine enthusiast, after having followed the Three-year Course of the Italian Sommelier Association decides with her partner Livio Aloisi and his nephew Giovanni Gastel Jr to become a winemaker in Bolgheri and to make wine.

Thus began the adventure that led her in just a few years to plant 5 hectares of vineyards, to inaugurate a proprietary winery in 2019, to build a market for her wines and obtain numerous awards.

The creations of Podere Conca are wines to be tasted calmly and carefully, grasping the differences and perceiving the courage with which this winery deviates from the Bolgheri tradition.