Journey in Amphora Velier Editions

€ 14.67

Edizioni Velier



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The vinification in amphora across 20 countries, from Georgia to Portugal, told and photographed by the Japanese artists Keiko Kato and Maika Masuko. A book that appeared in France at the end of 2016, finally translated into Italian by Edizioni Velier. Rich in extraordinary photographs and technical data sheets of the wines, it collects stories and itineraries on the ancient art of using terracotta in oenology.

In this volume, now in its second edition, Dom Costa creates a real glossary of terms used in international bartending, but it doesn't stop there. In addition to the exclusive recipes to create the best cocktails in the world and everything else, here you will also find the compelling stories of the birth of many of the world's most loved drinks, the stories of the bartenders who have left an indelible mark in the field of mixology, the analyzes of new trends and much more.

Autore: Keiko e Maika

Italian language

Year of publication: 2018

Pages: 236

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