
The quiet of a winter hillside. A stone house on the edge of the forest in the town of Broletto. An ever-burning fireplace. An ancient cupboard overflowing with cookbooks, herbs, spices, roots, and spirits from the four corners of the world. The constant infusions and trials of a student of literature and philosophy who found in the alchemy of flavors a place to express his own feeling. Not far from that house is a historic acetaia in the Apennines of Reggio Emilia: the Antica Acetaia Dodi. Its history has distant roots. The Acetaia is where the miracle of maturation takes place, that is, where the "aerobic" process of acetification transforms the cooked must into Balsamic Vinegar. The expertly selected barrels and casks of precious woods represent the heart of the company, where Balsamic Vinegar is born, matures, ages and refines. The fine selection and care of the woods and the special climatic conditions of the hills of Reggio Emilia and Modena are the ingredients where, thanks to the hot, dry summers and harsh winters, the optimal conditions essential for the product's aging phases are created.
It is right here that the meeting between Francesco Menozzi, an alchemist of spirits, and the master of the vinegar factory takes place, who, trying one of the bitters studied by the boy, falls in love with it, and decides to put his wonderful premises at his disposal to produce these liqueurs. Thus Amarica was born: a visionary and concrete project, inspired by the idea that the experience of pleasure, in order to be fully lived, must be able to renew itself and move toward ever new horizons.
But what is amarica? It is a new type of bitter liqueur where herbs, instead of being infused only in pure alcohol, are infused in fine spirits such as whiskey, rum, mezcal, brandy. Because the quality of the alcohol base, as every bartender knows, determines the quality of the result.
Rum Amaricato



Whiskey Amaricato

