Port au Prince Distillery

From the friendship between the Linge-Barbancourt family and Luca Gargano di Velier was born the idea of bringing a discontinuous distilled rum back to Haiti and building a micro-distillery in their compound. Here, using a Müller alembic, we also distill the Providence, aging it in the warehouses we created in the same place.
Providence Aged 3 y.o. Pure Single Rum
Sold out
Providence Aged 3 y.o. Pure Single Rum

Distillerie de Port au Prince


Providence Aged 3 y.o. 2021
Sold out
Providence Aged 3 y.o. 2021

Distillerie de Port au Prince


Providence Aged 3 y.o. Pure Single Rum Ed. 2020

Distillerie de Port au Prince
